Storage tips for your fresh fruits & veggies
Storing fresh fruits and vegetables is easy! If stored correctly, you can extend the life and freshness of your produce.
In the fridge
Photo: Frigidaire
Most refrigerators have designated drawers for your produce and meats. These “crisper drawers” adjusts the humidity settings compared to the rest of the fridge. If you have high and low humidity settings, you can tailor the settings to match the type of produce you’re keeping. If you don’t have a setting, that’s ok! It is by default a high-humidity crisper. Often, the produce itself will determine its own setting!
Apples - store in your crisper drawer in a perforated plastic bag or covered with a damp paper towel. (If eaten quickly, store on your counter for up to a week).
Arugula - wash in COLD water, dry thoroughly, and place in a sealed container. Ours lasts up to a week this way.
Beans - store in your crisper drawer. Can be easily blanched and stored in the freezer for future use.
Beets - if not using immediately, separate roots and tops. Store the tops (greens) with your cooking greens and store the roots in your crisper drawer.
Bok Choy - store in your crisper drawer
Cabbage - cabbage will keep for at least several weeks in your crisper drawer. If the outer leaves become wilted or even moldy, you can remove the layers and what’s underneath should still be perfectly edible and delicious.
Carrots - store in your crisper drawer. Remove tops if not used within 1 week.
Cilantro - store in a jar with water and cover with a plastic bag
Collards - store in your crisper drawer or place in a bag/container so they don’t dry out on the shelf. Can be easily blanched and stored in the freezer for future use.
Corn - leave the husks on if possible. Husks help keep the corn moist and fresh. Place in a sealed bag and store in your crisper drawer.
Cucumbers - wrap in a paper towel and place in a plastic bag (if using resealable, keep it open) and store in your crisper drawer.
Eggplants - wrap in a paper towel and place in a reusable container or perforated plastic bag. Store in your crisper drawer.
Eggs - store in the middle shelf (not the side door) in the carton it came in
Green onions - store in your crisper drawer
Kale - drop in your crisper drawer or place in a bag/container so they don’t dry out on the shelf. Can be easily blanched and stored in the freezer for future use.
Leeks - lightly wrap to contain moisture and store in your crisper drawer
Mustard Greens - wrap, unwashed, in a paper towel and inside sealed plastic bag. Store in your crisper drawer.
Peanuts (green/raw) - store in an airtight container. Store in freezer for long term.
Peppers - store in your crisper drawer
Shelling Beans - store unshelled beans in paper bag or wrap loosely in plastic and shelled beans in covered container. Store in your fridge until ready to shell. Shelled beans can also be stored in the freezer. Lay on baking sheet, freeze, then transfer to resealable bag and refreeze.
Sweet Potato Greens - wrap in a damp paper towel and place in a bag/container so they don’t dry out on the shelf. Store in your crisper drawer.
Swiss Chard - drop in your crisper drawer or place in a bag/container so they don’t dry out on the shelf
Tomato - store in your crisper drawer or if using immediately can be stored at room temperature
Turnips - store unwashed in plastic bag in crisper drawer. Store greens separately wrapped in damp towel or plastic bag - use them as soon as possible.
Zucchini Squash - store in your crisper drawer
At room temperature
Photo: Ebay
Some fruits and vegetables should be stored at room temperature to ripen or rest in a well ventilated area. Some even produce a natural plant hormone called ethylene. This gas tells the produce when to ripen! Some generate more than others, so be careful of how you store them!
Basil - trim the stems and store in a jar with water in sunlight at room temperature, like a bouquet of flowers. Change water as needed or if it discolors.
Dried Thai chilis - store with your spices.
Onions - store in a cool, dark, dry place. Store in a well-ventilated container like a netted bag or basket, not a plastic bag.
Peaches - leave on your counter to ripen and eat when ripe (like most summer fruits). Once ripe, store in the refrigerator.
Potatoes - store in a cool, dark, dry place. A basket, bowl, or paper bag is better than a plastic bag. Emits ethylene! Avoid storing next to onions, bananas, or apples.
Sweet Potatoes - store in a cool, dark, dry place.
Winter Squash - store in a cool, dark, dry place. Ex) butternut, African pumpkin, kabocha, spaghetti, acorn